How to connect Lithium Batteries in Series or Parallel

How to connect Quantium™ LiFp04 Lithium batteries in Parallel or in Series
We quite often get asked, “Can I parallel or series up the Lithium batteries?’Keep in mind not all lithium batteries are the same due to the chemistry and the BMS (Battery Management System) we can only comment on the Quantium™ Lithium Iron Phosphate Q-LFP Series.The Quantium™ Lithium Iron Battery Q-LFP series can be connected in up to 4 batteries in either parallel or series. THEY CANNOT BE CONNECTED IN BOTH SERIES / PARALLEL TOGETHER.OK, How do I connect my batteries if I want to double the capacity but keep the voltage the same?
When connecting in parallel, you essentially double the battery bank’s capacity while maintaining the same voltage. 2 x 12V 100Ah batteries connected in parallel will give you 200Ah at 12Volts.Steps for connecting Q-LFP Quantium™ Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries in parallel.
- All batteries must be of the same model, age and have same batch number.
- Fully charge individual batteries before connecting.
- Wait 40 mins for voltage to settle, then test with a multimeter.
- Resting voltage must be all within 0.1 V of each battery.
- Connect batteries as per diagram. (+ to + and – to -)
- Link connector cable must be the same length and size. Use a solid busbar were possible.
- As per the diagram, connect positive and negative cables to the appliance and charger from the same battery.

OK, How do I connect my batteries if I want to double the voltage but keep the capacity the same?
When connecting your batteries in Series you are doubling the voltage while maintaining the same capacity rating (amp hours).
When connecting in series, you essentially double the battery bank’s voltage while maintaining the same capacity.
2 x 12V 100Ah batteries connected in series will give you 100Ah at 24Volts.
Steps for connecting Q-LFP Quantium™ Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries in Series.
- All batteries must be of the same model. age and have same batch number.
- Fully charge individual batteries before connecting.
- Wait 40 mins for voltage to settle, then test with a multimeter.
- Resting voltage must be all within 0.1 V of each battery.
- Connect batteries as per diagram. (+ to – )
- Link connector cable must be the same length and size. Use a solid busbar were possible.
- As per the diagram, connect positive and negative cables to the appliance and charger from the open terminals on each bank’s end.